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Vayyar Care helps communities to increase assisted living sales by boosting occupancy, attracting move-ins, preventing move-outs, and creating care level clarity, allowing facilities to charge more accurately for the care they actually deliver. It’s all made possible by the industry’s most advanced fall detection and monitoring system, featuring privacy by design.

Vayyar Care enables care providers to keep residents longer by gathering data that supports fall reduction and personalized care that anticipates, manages, and mitigates a wide range of health conditions.

Vayyar Care enables care providers to keep residents longer by gathering data that supports fall reduction and personalized care that anticipates, manages, and mitgates a wide range of health conditions.

Vayyar Care mitigates alarm fatigue caused by nurse call system overuse, which often results in delayed response. Real-time fall alert verification ensures that frontline staff have complete confidence in the accuracy of the service. Operators can also leverage actionable behavioral insights on the Vayyar Care INsights platform, supporting and motivating overstretched caregivers to deliver personalized, prioritized care.

Vayyar Care enables operators to demonstrate clinical successes through reduced hospital readmissions and improved management of chronic diseases. By identifying issues early when they are easier to treat, many tests, procedures, and acute interventions can be avoided, while tracking residents’ physical mobility, bathroom usage, and social engagement allows care providers to monitor speed of recovery and overall health and wellbeing.

Vayyar Care gathers essential resident activity data including time in room, time in bed, and bathroom usage, that reveals the symptoms and progression of a wide range of physical and mental health issues, many of which are proven to significantly increase fall risk. From UTIs and nocturia to depression and social isolation, and COPD and CHF, in addition to unreported falls, Vayyar Care is the key to effective fall prevention.

Vayyar Care enhances resident safety and wellbeing, reducing care transitions with data-driven fall management and continuous health monitoring. Instant fall detection enables rapid response, reducing the risk of long lies, while activity analytics deliver insights that support personalized care, timely medical interventions, and fall reduction programs.

Vayyar Care’s contact-less, camera-less technology overcomes the inherent limitations of traditional fall alert devices and monitoring solutions. Wall-mounted buttons and cords can be out of reach in an emergency, many residents forget or refuse to put on pendants, and cameras cannot be deployed in bathrooms, where most falls happen. Vayyar Care seamlessly integrates with any nurse call system, including via dry contact, providing real-time fall alerts and resolution protocols through existing channels and/or a dedicated app.

 Vayyar Care tells caregivers when a nurse call alert is a genuine fall, rather than a simple request for assistance. Meanwhile, the activity data gathered by our sensors, analyzed by AI, and presented on the INsights platform, shows staff when a resident’s established patterns of behavior change, which often indicates an issue that needs to be urgently addressed.

Vayyar Care’s real-time fall detection increases the likelihood of a swift recovery by preventing long lie complications and injuries when residents try to get up unaided. It also identifies unreported minor falls that are the leading fall risk factor. Behavioral analytics, meanwhile, highlight a wide range of hidden health conditions, enabling early interventions and reducing fall risk.

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