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UK Care Week
July 6-7th, 2022 - NEC Birmingham
Uniting the Care Community
Vayyar Care will be at UK Care Week, as leaders from across the sector meet to strategise, explore new technologies and share insights into current and emerging challenges.
Our UK Sales Director Stuart Barclay will be showcasing Vayyar Care and explaining how 4D imaging ensures unprecedented safety for vulnerable care users, delivering 24/7 visibility, instant fall detection and rich behavioral data, while respecting privacy at all times.
Care providers can identify mobility loss, depression and potential conditions such as UTIs, while flagging high-risk behaviour such as wandering. This data also serves as an invaluable reference point that supports consistency in care delivery and optimal resource allocation.
July 6-7th, 2022
July 6-7th, 2022
About the Event
UK Care Week absorbs past healthcare brands (Dementia, Care & Nursing Home Expo and the Home Care Expo) into an event that is inclusive to the whole care industry.
In November 2021, the National Care Awareness Survey identified recruitment, retention and funding as the biggest challenges faced by the care industry.
The strength of the social care sector is its incredibly passionate and dedicated workforce; from care assistants to CEOs, they are heroes who want to make a difference in people’s lives. Unfortunately, it’s these very heroes that have suffered under the challenges of the industry. A lack of funding has stretched companies thin, leading to a lack of professional development opportunities and an uphill battle in recruitment and retention as other industries pay more and provide better support.
That’s where UK Care Week comes in. From solving staff recruitment and retaining existing staff, to providing staff support, accessing finance, offering training and promoting employee wellbeing UK Care Week hosts everything care providers need to succeed.