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ITEC 2023
March 27-28, 2023 - ICC, Birmingham, UK
Unlocking personalised outcomes
Vayyar Care is delighted to sponsor the Innovation Stage at TSA’s annual International Technology Enabled Care Conference, as local authorities, health consultants and solution providers come together to map out the future of UK social care.
Across all settings, care providers are now embracing automatic fall detection and behavioural analytics enabled by Vayyar Care’s leading-edge radio frequency sensors.
Our UK Sales Director Stuart Barclay and UK Sales Manager Paul Sanders will be on booth 52 to demonstrate the capabilities of our best-in-class solution and explain how LAs across the country are leveraging data to elevate outcomes.
Stuart will be speaking on the Innovation Stage on Day 1 at 11:35 and Paul will present in Day 2’s final session, beginning at 15:05. You can also catch Stuart at the Knowledge and Networking session on Day 2 from 12:40 – 13:25 as he joins Paul Berney from our strategic partner Anthropos to discuss fall risk assessment.

Time & Location
March 27-28, 2023
Broad St, Birmingham B1 2EA, United Kingdom
About the Event
This industry-leading two-day event is dedicated to helping social care, housing, health and TEC professionals deliver proactive, preventative digital services.
Delegates will hear about how technology can personalise support, empowering people and families to achieve their aspirations and control their own lives.
Inspiring speakers, practical workshops, live feedback, networking opportunities and real-life experience will cover co-production of digital services in partnership with users, delivery of new models of digital care in housing, using data safely and effectively to personalise care, the transition from analogue and how to harness emerging digital solutions, grow the digital confidence and capability of workforces and demonstrate the value of Technology Enabled Care.