Discover the ROI Vayyar Care delivers

The caregiver assistant that never sleeps

No buttons

No wearables

No cameras

The caregiver assistant that never sleeps

No cameras

No wearables

No buttons

Listen to what care providers are saying...

Detect, Predict, Prevent

With Vayyar Care at the core of your fall reduction program, you’ll get clear insights into resident risk.

Falls detected 2

Self-recovered falls 5

Physical mobility -17%

Bathroom usage +23%

Social engagement -8%

Fall prediction level HIGH


Let’s show you how it works

Protect your residents
and your bottom line

Boost a community’s NOI by over $100k per year
by preventing just one move-out, attracting a single
move-in, lowering liability, and boosting staff retention.
Greater staff retention
and efficiency
VALUE-based care

Protect your residents
and your bottom line

Boost a community’s NOI by over $100k per year by preventing just one move-out, attracting a single move-in, lowering liability, and boosting staff retention.

Reveal your
potential savings!

Enter a Few details below

ROI Calculator

Let's talk about you

Average hourly caregiver rate


Average annual income of a care staff employee divided into an average hourly shift rate.


Vayyar Care fall detection rate* The average fall detection rate achieved in communities.



Benefit of move-ins attracted



Benefit of move-outs prevented



Benefit of care levels justified



Benefits of 'pass-thru'



Benefit of  additional fall-related savings

Let's clarify your residents' fall information

annually # of communities * # of beds * avg occupancy level * avg. # of FOFs


annually avg # of FOFs * avg # of injurious falls


annually avg # of FOFs *avg # of additional unreported (hidden) falls

Does having the latest 'care' technology elevate your brand against competitors? Would offering fall prediction to potential residents and their families influence their decision to move-in to your community?

per month

annually # of communities * # of monthly community ‘move-ins’


annually avg # of move-ins per annum * percentage of new ‘move-ins’ due to a previous fall at-home


$ annually # of communities * avg monthly rent * # of move ins per month * the % that 'move in' because of a fall * the % that move in because the company offers leading fall detection & prevention * 78

Is lengthening the stay of residents important? By reducing BOTH 'long-lies' and 'hidden-falls', will a resident's community stay be lengthened?


$ annually # of fall-related ‘move-outs’ * avg monthly rent * # of months extended stay * Vayyar Care fall detection rate


$ annually # of fall-related ‘move-outs’ * avg monthly rent * cost to acquire a new resident * CAC paid to referral agency * Vayyar Care fall detection rate


$ annually # of fall-related ‘move-outs’ * avg weekly rent * vayyar care detection rate * avg ‘turn-around’ time

Would transparency into a resident's 'fall-risk' justify charging more for a higher level of care?




Do you 'pass-thru' relevant costs onto residents e.g. through their annual rental increase? If a fall entails additional care, would this cost of care be passed through to the resident and / or their family?


$ annually Vayyar Care system costs * percentage ‘pass-thru’


# of communities * # of beds in the community (ies) * avg occupancy level * # of sensors required per room


$ one-off # of communities * set-up fee


$ one-off total # of sensors required * individual sensor cost


$ one-off total # of sensors required * installation cost per sensor


$ monthly # of communities * # of beds in the community (ies) * avg occupancy level * monthly charge per room * 12


$ monthly # of communities * # of beds in the community (ies) * avg occupancy level * monthly platform investment per room * 12

Cost Breakdown

Cost Cap-Ex: Year 1


$ one-off community (ies) set up fee + community (ies) sensor cost + community (ies) installation cost

Costs Op-Ex: Length of service period


$ total monthly charge per community (ies) + platform investment per community (ies) * length of proposed contract

Savings: Over the entire service period


$ total

Annual Benefits
Total benefits over entire contract
  • Benefit of  move-ins attracted
  • Benefit of  move-outs prevented
  • Benefit of  care levels justified
  • Benefit of  pass-thru
  • Benefit of  additional fall-related savings
    • Cost-cap EX: Year 1
    • Costs OP-EX: Length of Contract
Total return on investment
Payback Period in months

For a deeper review of your
potential savings

The visibility caregivers need.
The privacy residents demand.

Sky-high NOI is finally within your reach

$250,000 in extra annual benefits for an average community? The winning formula comes down to attracting new residents, preventing care transitions, creating care level clarity, and keeping your caregivers. Get the new eBook that explains how to do it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vayyar Care helps communities to increase assisted living sales by boosting occupancy, attracting move-ins, preventing move-outs, and creating care level clarity, allowing facilities to charge more accurately for the care they actually deliver. It’s all made possible by the industry’s most advanced fall detection and monitoring system, featuring privacy by design.

Vayyar Care enables care providers to keep residents longer by gathering data that supports fall reduction and personalized care that anticipates, manages, and mitigates a wide range of health conditions.

Vayyar Care enables care providers to keep residents longer by gathering data that supports fall reduction and personalized care that anticipates, manages, and mitgates a wide range of health conditions.

Vayyar Care mitigates alarm fatigue caused by nurse call system overuse, which often results in delayed response. Real-time fall alert verification ensures that frontline staff have complete confidence in the accuracy of the service. Operators can also leverage actionable behavioral insights on the Vayyar Care INsights platform, supporting and motivating overstretched caregivers to deliver personalized, prioritized care.

Vayyar Care enables operators to demonstrate clinical successes through reduced hospital readmissions and improved management of chronic diseases. By identifying issues early when they are easier to treat, many tests, procedures, and acute interventions can be avoided, while tracking residents’ physical mobility, bathroom usage, and social engagement allows care providers to monitor speed of recovery and overall health and wellbeing.

Let’s show you how it works

Fill in your details below to get started with a live demonstration, either online or in person.

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